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Church Interpreting in Evangelical Churches with Russian-language Services

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Irina Peremota “Church Interpreting in Evangelical Churches with Russian- language Services”

The researchers are more and more interested in examining different settings of interpreting. However, church interpreting, which has been historically significant to this discipline, seems to be left on the sidelines. The author of this paper, a church interpreter of 25 years, had been interested in “putting on the map” the field of her experience, church interpreting in Evangelical churches with Russian-language services, and creating a portrait of an “ideal” church interpreter based on users’ expectations. The research was started in 2015 with a pilot survey and continued in 2017. Overall, the data of 258 respondents from 146 churches, 24 countries (111 cities) were gathered using an online questionnaire and analysed in this paper. In this analysis, the author identified numerous criteria of good church interpreting and created the portrait of an ideal church interpreter.

Paper in English: Irina Peremota Church Interpreting in Evangelical Churches with Russian-language Services

Research of Latvian Translators and Interpreters’ Professional Activities 2011-2012

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Recently there has been a great interest in various aspects of translators and interpreters’ professional activities. The technological aspect of translators’ work has changed significantly in the last two decades due to the progress in modern technologies. Many recent studies carried out abroad have focused on translators’ and interpreters’ work environment, work regime and occupational health issues, as well as CAT tools and equipment used in work. However, no such research has been done in Latvia.

The aim of this paper is to analyse general information about translators and interpreters and to study various aspects of their professional activities. This paper presents the results of the research which was conducted in 2011-2012.

Research of Latvian Translators and Interpreters’ Professional Activities 2011-2012